
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

This has been the best December, snow-wise, in years. After the gigantic snowstorm we had back in November, everything melted quickly but since then we've gotten a couple of dustings. Yesterday we woke up to this beautiful sight, though, and it continued to come down all day. 
We have what's got to be one of the best sledding hills in the whole community just a couple of footsteps from our front door, so we bundled up, threw Jambo on the snow racer, and found the hill totally deserted. Jamie rode down a few times, I took a turn, the ice fisherman in our lives tested the ice, and we threw a whooooooole lotta snowballs at one another.
We were all soaking wet when we came home and our hallway floor and radiator are still covered in snow pants and gloves and hats. We spent the rest of the day wrapping presents and putzing around the house and watching the Nobel Banquet and commenting on all of the gowns.  

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