
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Two Thousand and Sixteen

If you look and listen, there are a lot of people making a big deal about how terrible 2016 was. Indeed, some people very close to me had truly tragic experiences this year. Our little family has been incredibly fortunate, however, and I will continue to stick to my personal policy in life and on this blog and focus on the positive. Always. With that in mind, here are the highlights from my latest trip around the sun with the men of my dreams.
In January, Jamie and I experienced our first julgransplundring and I made a promise to myself that some wonderful friends help me keep later in the year.
Jambo and I also enjoyed the quality time that The Swede's ice fishing hobby allowed us.
In February, I drove down to Söderköping for Sarianne's Melodifesivalen-themed birthday party, which was a blast.
They had been talking about the Vasa ship at school, so Jamie and Axel got to visit the real deal at the Vasa Museum.
In March, we prepared for Melodifestivalen by making an awesome sign for Jamie's favorite act. 
We also celebrated Easter with Erin's family for the first time.
In April, Jamie learned how to ride a bike and The Swede and I learned how to run faster.
Also, The Swede's fishing buddies showed up at our house for a surprise birthday party for him.

In May, we headed to Ohio! We had lots of quality time with family and SO MUCH FUN at Becca and Jonathan's zoo wedding.

In June, we celebrated Nationaldagen at a nearby castle, took advantage of gorgeous weather with a visit to Gröna Lund, and made good on that promise on Midsommar

As usual, we were on vacation for most of July and did a lot of traveling. First, we visited the nearby island of Vaxholm, then northward to Dalarna, and finally we headed down south to Malmö, Copenhagen and Legoland!
In August, Jamie and I rounded out our summer with a week full of Mom-and-son-only fun when The Swede went back to work.
In September, we went to Gran Canaria with the Johanssons and it was precisely as amazing as you can imagine.

I was back on the road in October, with a solo trip to Ohio to officiate Kate and Scott's beautiful, romantic wedding. While I missed Jambo and The Swede, it was so nice to be just daughter, step-daughter, granddaughter, and friend for a few days.

In November, we went Pokémon hunting at Steninge Slott and enjoyed a child-free spa weekend at our favorite hotel.
And finally, this month, we got outside and played in the rare December snow.

With love, gratitude for this magical year, and anticipation for the next, our little family wishes you and yours a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR! And now, a gift: take ten minutes to read this. I promise goosebumps and possible tears of joy.

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