
Monday, June 26, 2017

Midsommar 2017

Our midsommar plans were up in the air until last week when, after realizing that the whole family wasn't going to be getting together, I booked the last hotel room in Dalarna. They're waaaaay into midsommar up there, and I figured it seemed like a good year to check it out.
We stayed at a cozy little guest house on the side of a moutain with a fabulous restaurant and incredible views, but rather spartan rooms. We arrived late Thursday afternoon and spent the evening looking out over the town of Rättvik and Siljan lake from the terrace.

We woke up to gorgeous weather on Friday and looked forward to the maypole and the music and the dancing, but we had some time to kill so we rode a luge down the mountain first. So. Much. Fun.
Later, we made our way into town and after peeking in a couple of shops, checking out a classic car show, and stopping for ice cream and to play at a playground, we found that we weren't in great shape time-wise after all. When we arrived at the celebration, they were just shutting things down and the weather had taken a turn for the worse. Slightly defeated, we plopped down at a restaurant and had burgers for lunch and talked about how much we missed the traditional lunch of deviled eggs and herring and Mama Swede's meatballs. We decided then and there that we'd drive to the cabin instead of straight home in the morning. Mama and Papa Swede were there with the herring and the sunshine, and all-in-all it was a pretty fabulous weekend.

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