
Monday, September 4, 2017

Juuuuuuust Right

We had the nicest weekend, you guys. It's a rare occurrence that the weekend doesn't feel too short, but we packed so much into this one that it felt just right. It began with kräftor on Friday evening at the cabin. The Segerstens were there too, so the place was packed, but in a good way. There were more than enough kräftor for everyone to stuff themselves and the grown-ups sat around the table chatting into the wee hours.    
The next day, Sarianne was full of energy and insisted we take the kids to the nearby lake and test out her new rubber boat. She took each of us out for a spin and then paddled across the lake and back by herself. 
Meanwhile, Jamie and Julia tried to catch minnows with butterfly nets.

Sarianne ended our outing by pretending to fall off the dock, which the kids (and I, admittedly) loved. We left the cabin on Saturday evening so that we'd be home for Jamie's football practice in the morning. 
On Sunday afternoon, Jambo and I met up with Axel and his mom to see Cars 3, which was quite good. Axel and I even shed tears. We went to the playground afterward and the boys ran around until it got too cold and windy for our light jackets. Summertime is over for sure, but the livin' is still easy.

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