
Friday, October 22, 2010

Early Arrival

The weather guys have been threatening it for a few days now, but it felt so nice out and it's still October, for crying out loud, so I couldn't believe it was true.  Then I opened the curtains today to find a thin layer of snow on the neighbors' roof and the cars below.  And at first it was just a little bit of snow, not even really sticking to the ground, but by the time we headed off to work it was snowing and by the time we got to the office there were the beginnings of snowmen in the daycare yard behind our building.  The Swede thought it would melt by the afternoon and our world would be a big "slush puppy", but I'm not convinced.  Which is a bummer because I haven't even had a chance to put up an fall masthead photo and now it's already winter. 
UPDATE: It's 3 o'clock now and nearly all the snow has melted.  He was right. 

1 comment:

  1. That is impressive Mara! Even by Cleveland standards! I'm glad the snow melted. You'd better work on your fall masthead right away- I want to see it! :)
