
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Like Mother Like Daughter Like Son

Exciting mail day!  I got a package from my mom and stepdad.  A BIRTHDAY PACKAGE.  My birthday is still two weeks away but, of course, I was dying to open it.  One of the many charming traits I inherited from my fabulous mother is that I can't wait for stuff like this.  Apparently Nelson inherited it as well because when I put the package on the floor to photograph it in better light, the little guy began clawing at it like a maniac trying to get at its contents.  And what contents they were!  In addition to the Funfetti cake and frosting I requested, there were a slew of princess birthday party supplies:  paper plates, candles (I require three packages now!!!), a banner, and more.  And best of all, a birthday princess crown.  Because no matter how many candles your cake requires or how many cat children you're raising, you're never too old for a birthday princess crown.  Thank you, Mom and Ray!

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