
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Let The Games Begin

Miracle of miracles, The Swede has said that I can redecorate our living room!  By redecorate I mean, of course, decorate as it is really just a rather boring white box that we keep our sofa and TV in since we moved here.  I don't want to go too crazy and lose my priviledges here, but I do want to introduce some color.  JUST SOME, Babe, if you're reading this.  Anyway, I wanted to find a piece of art that moved me to kind of kick things off and, after trolling around, couldn't find any fine art that I liked enough to show to The Swede.  So, just for the fun of it, I checked out the sports-themed offerings and found this sweet Olympic Games poster.  It was on sale for, like, $5 so naturally I placed my order.  And, you know, I think it's going to be perfect.  The Swede even (says) he likes it.  So far so good!

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