
Friday, October 14, 2011

The Scale, A Year Later

Okay, this may fall under the category of too much personal information but it's my blog, so I can write about whatever I please and this pleases me.  Of course, I've covered up the number because I don't want to get that personal, but I will tell you that it is a number that I haven't seen in a very long time.  About fifty-two weeks, to be exact.  This morning, the day before Jamie turns twelve weeks old, I stepped on the scale and was back to my pre-pregnancy weight.  Don't ask me what I did because I have no idea, though I suspect having a baby who loves to be held and bounced and living in a country with far fewer one-handed food options than America may have something to do with it.  So thank you, Jamie, because even though you were the biggest disaster my waistline has ever seen, you've also been the best diet.

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