
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Gran Canaria 2016

Woo, boy, you guys! I've been hopping all over hemispheres in the past couple of weeks and it has not been conducive to blogging, let me tell you. With my most sincere apologies, I'd like to get you caught up.
The traveling began in mid-September with a trip to Gran Canaria with Erin's family. We had been talking about our families doing a week-long vacay together for years and this year it just seemed right. We went back to the same resort we stayed at last year, where Erin and her boys had also been last January, so we both knew that it would be perfect.
And it was. We had long, lazy days of perfect weather by the pool, followed by wild, stressful dinners with three preschoolers... 
...followed by beers and sangria. 
The little boys got along great and spent a ton of time in the pool and at the outdoor gym. Jamie even learned how to swim! 
Erin and I are already thick as thieves, obviously, but it was awesome to see The Swede and Svante bond, over, among other things, their total geekiness. Here they are using engineering and statistics to figure out how to win a prize from a machine:
The days blended into each other and it all passed so quickly and seemed like we were back on the plane home as soon as we had arrived. It was unforgettable and definitely something I hope we'll repeat again and again.

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