
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Pumpkin Paradise

Just a few days after we arrived home from Gran Canaria, I hopped on a plane to Cleveland for my friend Kate's wedding. The best time of year to be in the States, in my opinion, is fall, mostly because of the plethora of pumpkin spice products to be taken in. I usually forget about actual pumpkins, however. Not this time, though!
Mom wanted to get a couple of giant ones to put by her front door, so we went to Szalay's farmers market and it was just overwhelming. I'm such a loser, I didn't take any pictures of all of the wonderful time I spent with my mom and stepdad and grandparents (though I suppose that means I was enjoying myself too much to bother with my camera), but I dang well snapped two dozen shots of pumpkins. Sorry!

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