Monday, March 3, 2014

Jamie's Big Boy Bed

If you saw my post on Facebook yesterday, you know that our family spent some time this weekend making a transition. And by "some time" I mean hours and hours and hours, and by "transition" I mean out with the crib, in with the big boy bed. We thought long and hard about it and ended up going with the Brimnes daybed because it has built-in storage and could pull out into a queen when we have guests or when Jamie's having a sleepover with his buddies in a few years, and we figured it was a good investment since that also means it will grow with him. Anyway, it was a real son of a gun to put together, requiring over four hours between The Swede and I. By the way, my best marriage tip is to assemble Ikea furniture in shifts. Do not attempt to help one another by getting in there at the same time. We learned this a couple of years ago during an intense few hours spent on the brink of divorce over the wreckage of another Brimnes. Anyway, we finally got it done and now Jamie looks comically small in his bed instead of comically large as he has been in his crib lately. He kinda refused to go to sleep in it, though, and stayed up well past ten testing the new mattress and our patience, but we'll get there. He'd better like it eventually, anyway!

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