
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Two Thousand Eleven

Holy cow, you guys, this has been quite the year.  Last year, with a couple of secrets in my back pocket, I wrote that I thought 2011 would top 2010 and did it ever!  It has surely been the most significant-event-filled year of my life so far and, provided I don't ever get married, buy a house and have a baby again all in one year, I think it will remain as such.  So, 2011, you were awesome.  Thanks for all the good times, especially the following:

In January, The Swede and I bound ourselves to one another, property-ownership-style, with the purchase of our new home.
In February, we finally let the cat out of the bag and made the big announcement that we would soon be a family of three.
Then, in March, the family really became official because we all got the same last name when I married the man of my dreams.
The excitement continued in April when we packed everything up from the Sundbyberg apartment and moved to Kungsängen.
Meanwhile, my belly grew.  In May, all settled in in our new home, we prepared for the baby's arrival.
Our June was super busy, with a surprise baby shower ,  visitors from London who celebrated midsummer with us, and the completion of the baby suite.
In July, life changed forever with the arrival of Jamie.
Okay, well, it didn't change that much.  In August, we took part in the traditional late-summer kräftfest.
I could hardly wait for September, when we travelled to Ohio and spent time with family and friends.
While we were in the States, Mama and Papa Swede repurchased their summer cabin.  It's a perfect meeting place for our family - midway between Stockholm and Söderköping - so in October we began spending most weekends there.
In November, Jamie and I discovered open preschool with Linda and Sukai and the family let me cook them Thanksgiving dinner at the cabin.
This fantastic year of excitement finished in December with even more: Jamie's first snow and first Christmas .
I can't wait to see what 2012 has in store and look forward to telling you all about it as it happens!  Happy New Year, team!!!

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