Tuesday, February 4, 2014

To Do

It happens every time I'm home for an extended period of time, in this case last week when Jamie was sick: I just gotta do something about that caulk. Or the arrangement of my bedroom furniture. Or the chipping paint on the trim. Or getting Jamie's room set up with a big boy bed. The seeds of home improvement projects, big and small, have a way of sprouting when I have time on my hands to really eyeball the terrible job I did last time I caulked the bathroom, for example. So yesterday, after a hard day of helping the customer win at the office, I scraped out the old caulk and prepped the bathroom for today's job of laying down the new stuff. It was not glamorous, but because I researched the task heavily this time it went a lot smoother and I did not hate every second of it. You know, the way I usually do when I'm doing anything un-glamorous. I have a short list of other things I'd like to do before Selah and Andy's visit it May and thanks to Jamie's cold, plenty of motivation to tackle them. 

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